Tag Archives: payroll

Spring Is Here

Snow is on the ground. But spring is here. The boys of summer are getting ready. Spring training is underway. The Brewers’ pitchers and catchers officially reported to camp yesterday. The first official workouts are today.

The team is looking good this year. The pitching will alm0st certainly be better than last year; nowhere to go but up, really. The offense probably won’t be quite what it was the last two years, but still looks pretty good. And the defense should be better, especially at shortstop and center field. Because attendance is so strong, the front office was able to push payroll to near $90 million, or a little less than half the Yankees’ payroll. Not bad for the smallest market in baseball.

Here’s hoping that leads to another playoff run.

Salary Cap?

Even though the Yankees have a payroll 1/3 larger than any other team, I don’t think baseball needs a salary cap. I say why over at the American Spectator Online.