Tag Archives: north korea

Inside North Korea

The satellite image above  is one of the most eloquent arguments for capitalism and freedom that I have ever seen. Liberalism is light. Literally. And just as literally, its rejection means darkness. Some pictures say far more than a thousand words.

Which brings me to an online documentary on North Korea over at VBS.tv that I just finished watching. It’s about an hour long in all. Not only did these guys actually travel to Pyongyang, which is difficult enough, they managed to film their experience on the sly. And despite being threatened with jail more than once, they brought back a lot of footage. To my western eyes, this was quite a sight to see.

The host has a bit of the stereotypical, boorish, Ugly American in him. Not sure he makes the best ambassador. But it took a lot of guts to do what he did. If you want some first-hand footage of life in a totalitarian state, this is about as close as you can get. Worth watching.